
Onchain verification of your contributions to xAndria. Proof of knowledge, Proof of building, Proof of learning, Proof of education

Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts

Accounts are the data storage mechanism for Solana. The extremely low cost of transactions sets Solana apart from other blockchains because a lot of data can be stored at a relatively cheap cost. We aim to change the way users & developers think about account implementation. Accounts can be much, much more than just technical state storing. With xAndria, your Profile account updates dynamically, based on your contributions, all presented in a gamified experience.

High Level

  • It's a 1/1 account (though not owned by spl-token program), non-fractionalizable, and it's metadata is contained within itself

  • So it is non-fungible, and has the added characteristics of an NFT, i.e. (meta)data

  • It's also non-transferable, and dynamically updates depending on only the user's actions

  • Is it a token per se? Not in the traditional sense (i.e. an account owned by the SPL-Token program). But it is an account nonetheless. And by the definition of the word Token itself, it is a digital token.

  • It's a token of the cumulative total of that user's contribution to Solana. And that, in itself, has inherent value.

xAndria's first mock-up of a user profile

Last updated